Meta description- tool for improving CTR

Meta tags like ‘Title’ and ‘Description’ has great impact on ranking process of different search engines.

So be sure that you have filled all keywords in Meta title and description tag. Yet description tag does not play direct role in improving keyword position but this can be very helpful for improving CTR.

Ideal length of description tag:
As per general research shows that meta description should be 160 characters with spaces and It should not be less than 120 characters including space. As I have already discussed that it improves sites CTR. So you should choose the ideal length of Description tag so that crawler can easily get data from your website.

How to write:-
Write keywords in a natural way otherwise search engine will penalize you for over SEO and Your SEO ranking will be decreased. So write keywords in very natural and impressive way.

Unique description:
Never copy/ paste description of another website. Always try to write the description in your language. Crawler always gives more weight age for unique description of the website.

Brand name in description:-
Always write your brand name/ company name in description tag. This will be a great practice for improving your CTR of website and this will also improve faith in customers.

Never use special characters:-
In description tags never use special characters for your website. Always write description in simple language so that every one can read easily. what you want to say.

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