SEO is Dead or Not

SEO is playing a critical role to generate business.It ‘s hard to imagine a world without SEO.In these days everybody is trying to find out if ‘’SEO is Dead’’. Many peoples are surfing the net and reading articles on this.Most of the people are saying that SEO is Dead.Does it mean SEO is dead? Just because most of the people are saying so? Of course not. Even though SEO is only two decades old SEO is becoming an integral part to promote our business.

Whether you are running a business online or offline, SEO is a very attractive way to promote business. Then why people are saying SEO is dead. Google changed their algorithms for search in May 2013 and people started arguing that SEO is dead!. As there was a major change in this searching algorithm, These algorithms are Penguin 2.0, 2.1 and Hummingbird. People have started thinking, Is there any danger to their content-driven business? Is keyword researched deadly?

Penguin and Hummingbird have changed the way as search result worked. By earlier doing so google ’s sole aim was to improve search. Provide user more relevant authenticate and information. Search marketing has undergone a wide change.

The reason why SEO professionals disapprove these changes, and they declare SEO is dead because it has become difficult to play the game to display results. No longer can you stuff keywords into pages, create clever keywords-based links from low-quality directories or mass-produce lazy content that ’s just there to give Google something fresh to read.

  • Now you cannot stuff your webpage with any irrelevant content. One has to follow a clever strategy to choose the keyword.

An article was written by Tim Anderson in June 2013 which was published on The Guardian website.And its headline was “SEO is dead…” it caught people’s eyes and they started talking.

In Guardian newspaper‘s headline in June 2013, Tim Anderson claimed ‘SEO is dead. Long live social media optimization’. It caught people’s eye but Anderson started his whole article on a wildly inaccurate premise.

This article led to controversy because of some of the provocative statements in the post :
“Search engine optimization (SEO) was always a flawed concept.”

“…Google search may display only 13% organic results; ‘the rest is ads and junk’.”

“…how consumers found websites in 2012 shows that social media is catching up with search”

“ Recommendations from friends come for more than a search engine algorithm will ever achieve.”

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