Are you ready to compete with your competitors?
Here are some advance SEO tips which will be beneficial to you and your business.
1. Unique content on a webpage is king. unique and quality content will enable you to compete with your competitors
2. Do not write duplicate content on your website.
3. Update your content regularly to keep it fresh.
4. Engage more and more people on your social network.
5. Optimize header and footer of the website according to new guidelines of Google.
6. If you are using CMS like word press tag your post properly to reduce bounce rate on the website.
7. Optimize your website for mobile and tabs if you want to catch mobile users too.
8. Use PINTEREST board for getting organized Links
9. Write product description and reviews to optimize every single product.
10. Use dashes instead of an underscore in URL.
11. Improve load time of website you can use PINGDOM tools for this purpose.
12. Use videos reviews/testimonials to increase conversion rates.
13. Make your call to actions more visually attractive
14. Build quality backlinks using your targeted keywords as the links.
15. Cross-link your website to take advantage of HREF tags
16. Place your business on local lusting. It is very important these days.
17. Use alt tags in your image so that search engines can understand your images
18. Beware of Google penguin. Avoid unnecessary backlinks because in the long run quality contact will be a winner.
19. Define custom error page like 404, 301 etc
20. The slideshow is the wonderful way for content creation.
These are all just specifying tactics to help with the main goal to make your site more awesome….